stepping back from the abyss…

As I sit here eating a stunningly sweet dessert cup from pacific sourdough bakery (I was saving it for end of work week celebration tonight), the reptilian/primal brain roaring “WTF ARE YOU DOING? YOU KNOW YOU’RE GOING TO BE SICK IN A FEW MINUTES!”, I think back on the last couple days of indecision and wonder.

You see, I almost changed my haircolor.

Not a big deal for most, but my color represents where I am in my life. My happiness gauge, so to speak, and is never based on what anyone else thinks.  The fact that I have been thinking of this change based on a couple of comments from clients, makes me wonder what the difference between a criticism and a belief is… and how quickly I jumped on the criticism wagon, taking to heart what was really a passing thought from someone I was having a conversation with.

The fact that I even considered the change and was ready to do a fb poll on what color i should be next means it’s time to step back from the abyss of self doubt and ultimately destructive behavior. I am stronger than this, and allowing someone to voice an opinion without taking it personally is a place of strength.

So I will remain in the spectrum of black/purple/blue because it pleases me.

And yes, I currently feel a bit sick, but drinking tons of water and a couple of digestive enzyme tablets will help get rid of the sugar.

I am all good here. Have a fabulous weekend.

One response to “stepping back from the abyss…”

  1. I’m proud of you!!

    Liked by 1 person

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